Prospects of Auto

The most quickly developing automobile industry in China left in 2009 on the first place on consumption of cars in the world, having outrun even the USA. So, in January, 2009 in China 790 000 cars while in the USA it has been bought only 657 000 cars that is a 26-year-old minimum have been realised.

Under forecasts of experts by 2010 it is expected that China becomes first-ever by quantity of made cars. It is not surprising, after all cost of works in China much more low that does manufacture of cars more favourable, than in any other developed country.

Now at factories in China the most up-to-date technologies are applied, the labour becomes more qualified and it leads to that cars on quality become on level with European, American and Japanese. The state of China considers development of automotive industry of one of strategically important problems and gives every possible support of a domestic automobile industry.

Last years export from China in other countries, including Russia quickly increases. The most significant for sales of cars in foreign countries is a presence:

·         Qualitative service,

·         Assembly manufactures from accessories directly in the sale countries (absence of the customs duties),

·         Manufacture of accessories and spare parts directly in the sale countries (absence of the customs duties)

In 2009 in a car business one of great opportunities of development of motor industry in the world has opened is a transition to an ecological type of transport – electromobiles so by 2010 such giants of a car of business as Ford, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Toyota have already planned release mass electromobiles. Already now it is necessary to plan investments into a new direction and to keep up to date. That will bring good dividends already in the near future.


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